- Introducing our new blog website!
- Did you know that there is a team of people looking out for you?
- Back to school physicals are a great time to catch up on immunizations!
- Plunge in kindergartners’ vaccination rate worries health officials.
- Flu season is right around the corner!
- Discussing Vaccines Due During Adolescence Can Be Challenging
- Were you aware that in 2012, the CDC updated their guidelines on proper vaccine storage?
- Are you still providing hard copy Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) handouts with every vaccination?
- Where is the vaccine-related waste in your practice?
- CPP Rebates are on the way to your practice!
- September Edition of Vaccine Vitals is Available!
- Come see us at the American Academy of Pediatrics NCE in San Diego!
- AAP NCE News: Invisible Threat Screening
- Are you maximizing your CPP rebate for the 2014-2015 rebate period?
- 2014-15 Influenza Vaccine Supply Update from the AAP
- Come see us at the AAFP Scientific Assembly in Washington D.C.!
- CDC issues new pneumococcal vaccine recommendations for adults age 65 years and older.
- Don’t forget to take the CPP Challenge by October 31, 2014!
- First vaccine approved by FDA to prevent serogroup B Meningococcal disease.
- November is a great month to start thinking about your practice’s operating budget for 2015. Are you getting the best pricing on your vaccine purchases?
- Here is an interesting personal perspective article regarding “Growing up Unvaccinated”.
- What can be done about vaccine price increases?
- Global Fight to Eliminate Measles Stalls
- Check out the new Pediatric Care Online!
- Has your practice received all of your flu shipments for the 2014-2015 flu season?
- Wishing you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving!
- New Vaccine Updates
- What are your ‘go-to’ resources for patient questions about vaccines?
- California pertussis cases reach nearly 10,000 this year.
- Don’t forget to apply for the CPP vaccine storage equipment grant by the end of 2014!
- The FDA Approves 9-Valent HPV Vaccine
- Pediatric Flu Vaccination Rates Up…
- Make a New Year’s Resolution to Maximize Savings Opportunities on Vaccines for your Practice!
- New User Tips for Pediatric Care Online!
- Are there times where good medicine and good business intersect?
- 2015-2016 Season Flu Vaccine Announcement
- Do you immunize adults? Do you need help implementing the new pneumococcal vaccine recommendations?
- Join the CPP Buying Group on LinkedIn!
- Are you looking to replace your vaccine storage equipment in 2015 and don’t know where to start?
- The CDC has published updated materials to assist providers in speaking with parents about the MMR vaccine.
- Come visit the CPP booth at the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) meeting in Las Vegas!
- Newly approved vaccines receive recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
- Save the Date: 2015 Pediatric Coding Webinar
- Make the most of your electronic medical record system.
- The CDC updates the vaccine price list to include new meningococcal B and HPV vaccines.
- Family Physician, Dr. Andrew Loehr, shares best practices as it relates to the business of providing in-office immunizations.
- 2015 Pediatric Billing and Coding Webinar Recording Available
- New Vaccines Now Part of CPP Program!
- Unsure of insurance coverage for new vaccines? Sanofi Pasteur and Merck have great resources to help!
- CDC Tweaking Flu Vaccine for Better Protection
- Does your practice have an emergency plan that addresses vaccine storage equipment in case of an emergency?
- Considering a backup generator for your vaccine refrigerators and freezers in case of a power outage? That’s great, but it only addresses one potential issue that can impact vaccine storage temperatures – complete loss of power.
- Did you know it is estimated that only 29.6% of older adolescents have received a booster dose of meningococcal vaccine, leaving approximately 7 million older adolescents under-vaccinated against meningococcal disease?
- There are now less than 90 days until the transition to ICD-10 coding on October 1! With the hopes of providing a smoother transition, CMS has granted a one-year grace period for physicians.
- Are you planning to stock both Gardasil® and Gardasil 9® in your vaccine refrigerator?
- August is National Immunization Awareness Month!
- Is your practice maximizing vaccine savings through the CPP vaccine group purchase program?
- New Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) Available from the CDC.
- Back to school: Vaccine Resources for Patients
- 2015 marks the 30th anniversary of CPP!
- Ohio AAP Meeting & Immunize Ohio
- Helpful hints for providing current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs) to your patients!
- Come see CPP at the American Academy of Family Physicians Conference
- CPP Rebates are on the way to your practice!
- Come see us at the MGMA National Conference
- Come see us at the AAP NCE!
- CPP Educational Webinar: Vaccine Storage Tips! Featuring: Graham Barden, MD, FAAP
- Flu Vaccine Availability
- Merck Vaccines Pricing
- Sanofi Pasteur Vaccine Updates
- Vaccine Storage Tips! Webinar Posted
- FDA Approves Expanded Age Indication for GARDASIL® 9 in Males
- Happy Holidays from CPP!
- 2016-2017 Flu Season Vaccine Announcement
- FluMist® for the 2016-2017 Flu Season
- HPV Sharply Reduced in Teenage Girls Following Vaccine, Study Says
- New immunization requirements for Ohio schools!
- Immunization Administration Coding
- New Dose Administration Schedule for Trumenba Approved
- How is your practice doing with adolescent vaccination coverage?
- Two important public health conferences this week in Ohio.
- Sanofi Vaccine Pricing Updates
- Merck Vaccines Supply Disruption
- New ACIP Recommendations for 2016-2017 Flu Season
- New CPP Discount Opportunity on Trumenba®
- Discontinuation of Gardasil
- AAFP FMX September 20-24, 2016 in Orlando, FL
- AAP NCE October 21-25,2016 in San Francisco, CA!
- New Dosing Regimen Approved for Gardasil 9
- Immunization Administration Coding Update for 90461
- Pfizer Vaccine Updates
- Happy Thanksgiving!
- Sanofi Pasteur Vaccine Updates
- 2017-2018 Flu Season Vaccine Announcement
- Quadracel™ now available for purchase!
- Zostavax Price Increase
- AAP advocacy leads to change in coding for vaccine administration.
- Facing a vaccine price increase….what can you do?
- American Medical Group Association Annual Conference
- Pediatric Coding Seminar Recording Posted
- ACIP Recommends the 2-Dose Schedule of Trumenba
- Merck Vaccine Supply Interruptions
- Upcoming Pfizer Webinar – It Is Not the Flu: The Importance of Vaccinating Against Serogroup B Meningococcal Disease
- Are you leveraging your state vaccine registry?
- New Member Grant Opportunity! Announcing CPP’s 2nd Dose Program
- CDC Announces New VAERS Reporting Website
- Are you ready when vaccine temperatures go outside of normal limits?
- Influenza Vaccine Coding and Billing Program
- August is National Immunization Awareness Month!
- Updated Fluzone Resources
- Vaccine Coding Resource
- Merck Vaccines Price Changes
- CPP will be exhibiting at the AAFP FMX 2017 in San Antonio, TX!
- Come visit CPP as we will be exhibiting with Nationwide Children’s Hospital at the AAP NCE 2017 in Chicago!
- In light of recent hurricanes, have you taken the time to review your practice emergency vaccine storage and handling plan recently?
- CPP Rebates are on the Way!
- Tools to Improve Flu Literacy!
- Upcoming Immunize Ohio Conference
- North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians Annual Meeting
- Vaccine Manufacturer Holiday Schedules
- CPP Member Value Enhancement!
- 2018 Vaccine Storage Requirements for All VFC Providers
- 2018-2019 Influenza Season – Vaccine Pricing
- New Immunization Schedules Published by the CDC
- AMGA Annual Conference in Phoenix, AZ!
- Upcoming Sanofi Pasteur Webinar
- Upcoming Webinar: Becoming an Advocate for MenB Awareness & Vaccination
- AAP Publishes Advice for Upcoming Flu Vaccination Season
- Vaccine Confidence Webinar Now Available On-Demand
- CPP Partners with Dynavax!
- 2018-2019 Flu Vaccination Coding
- Ohio AAP Annual Meeting
- Visit the CPP booth at the AAFP FMX!
- CPP Rebates are Coming to Your Practice!
- Upcoming exhibit opportunity at the AAP NCE!
- NC AFP Winter Meeting
- Vaccine Price Changes
- New Vaccine Price Change Management Tools
- 2019-2020 Flu Vaccine Pricing and Pre-Book Details
- Order your CPP Vaccine Trays!
- Vaccine Management Summit – SAVE THE DATE
- Webinar: Helping to Prevent Flu in Adults 50 Years of Age and Older
- Vaccine Management Summit – REGISTRATION OPEN
- New CPP Partnership with AstraZeneca!
- Expanded Indication for 0.5mL Fluzone® Quadrivalent
- Vaccine Management Summit – Registration Deadline Approaching
- AAP Flu Vaccine Update: No preference for injected vaccine over nasal spray
- CPP Vaccine Summit a Success
- AAP Releases “Immunization Information Technology Guide” for pediatricians
- Sanofi Pasteur’s Adacel (Tdap) Vaccine FDA Approved for Repeat Vaccination after 8 Years
- 2019-2020 Flu Vaccine Timeline
- How a Large Health System Increased Adolescent Vaccination Rates
- CPP 2nd Dose Grant
- Group purchasing: Save money by aligning with other physicians
- 2019-2020 Flu Season Coding Help
- CDC Webinar – Strategies for Addressing Vaccine Misinformation in the Practice
- Adolescent Immunization Resources
- 2019/2020 Flu Immunization Guide
- Creating a Culture of Immunization: Resources for Your Practice
- Vaccine Pins, Buttons, and Stickers
- Updated Vaccine Information Statements
- 2020-2021 Flu Vaccine Pricing & Pre-Book Details
- Vaccine Price Updates for 2020
- We’re In! 2020 HPV Cancer Prevention Initiative Launch Webinar
- Webcast: Helping to Prevent Disease in Adults 50 Years of Age and Older
- Measles Awareness Toolkit
- HPV Best Practices and Toolkit
- Shared Clinical Decision-Making: Understanding the Recommendations from the CDC
- Merck’s Pediatric Recombivax HB Available March 9, 2020
- Handling Vaccine Temperature Anomalies and Refrigerator Repairs
- New Discount Opportunity for CPP Members
- Emergency Preparedness: Vaccine Storage and Handling
- COVID-19 Resources and Updates from CPP
- Emergency Preparedness: Packing Vaccines for Transport during Emergencies
- Vaccine Vendor Updates Due to COVID-19
- Immunization Guidelines During COVID-19
- Vaccine Vendor Updates Due to COVID-19
- National Infant Immunization Week
- More Resources: Maintaining Immunizations During COVID-19
- Updated Vaccine Information Statements
- Managing Vaccine Waste
- Additional COVID-19 Vendor Updates
- Childhood Immunization Rates Plummet After Stay-at-Home Orders
- Increase Outreach to Families to Maintain Childhood Immunizations
- Webinar: Vaccinating Adults with Chronic Conditions
- AAP Launches social media campaign to encourage parents to #CallYourPediatrician
- AAP Releases “Policies to Preserve the Vaccine Delivery System for Children”
- Webinar: Hepatitis B Overview and Innovations in Immunization
- WellConnect Automated Patient Reminders
- CDC Pink Book Webinars 2020
- AAP: No flu preference for 2020-21 season
- Merck’s RecombivaxHB Adult and Dialysis Vial Formulations Now Available
- Webinar: Planning and Implementing a Drive-thru Flu Clinic Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Flu Vaccination during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- CoVER: A New, Interactive Vaccine Course for Healthcare Professionals Seeks to Remedy Knowledge Gaps
- AAP Virtual Townhall: Preparing Your Practice for the 2020-21 Influenza Season
- Webcast: Influenza’s Impact on Our Youth—Overcoming Barriers to Reduce the Burden of Disease
- August is National Immunization Awareness Month
- Amblyopia Awareness Webinar
- ImmYounity: Vaccine Education Course Review
- Conversations About COVID: General Resources
- Influenza Vaccine Updates from the CDC
- Conversations About COVID: All About Masks
- CDC Webinar – Strengthening Vaccine Confidence in Pediatric and Family Practice Offices During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- NFID Webinar: Shared Clinical Decision-Making for HPV Immunization in Adults
- Conversations About COVID: Testing, Case Counting, and Vaccines
- Resource Round-Up: All About Kids
- Preparing Your Practice to Fight the Flu
- Join CPP at the Family Medicine Experience 2020
- Flu Resources
- New HPV Resources
- Resource Round-Up: Childhood Vaccinations
- COVID 19 Vaccine Administration Plans
- Talking to Parents About Alternative Vaccine Schedules
- New Vaccine Pricing Updates for 2021
- Navigating Vaccine Price Increases
- COVID-19 Vaccine Update
- New Prevnar 13® Discount Opportunity
- COVID Vaccination Supplies
- 2021-2022 Flu Vaccine Pre-Booking
- COVID Vaccine – “Ask the Experts” from the Immunization Action Coalition
- Updated Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit
- Grant Opportunities for Improving Child Health
- Updated 2021 Vaccine Schedules Published by the CDC
- NCQA, CDC: Start Back-to-School and Catch-Up Vaccinations Now
- CMS Increases COVID-19 Vaccine Administration Payment
- COVID Vaccination Resources Available
- Webcast: Pfizer Hosting Premiere Broadcast on Vaccine Catch Ups and Men B
- Mid-Year Vaccine Rebates from CPP!
- Get Ready for National Infant Immunization Week!
- CPP New Resource: Vaccine Orientation Guide
- AAP Flu Vaccine Update: Flu guidance the same for 2021-2022 Season
- CPP Members! New Discount Opportunity on Vaxelis™
- ACIP Recommends COVID Vaccination for Children 12 and Up
- AAP Webinar-Becoming a COVID-19 Vaccinator
- Telehealth Resources and Discounts for CPP Members
- ODH COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Training
- Webinar – Strategies to Increase Vaccine Confidence in the era of COVID featuring Dr. Nicole Parkerson, MD
- Anytime Pediatrics June Webinars
- Promoting Pediatric Primary Prevention (P4) Challenge: Phase 1 Winners
- AAP free online course – HPV Vaccine: When, Why, and How
- MenACWY: You’re Not Done if You Give Just One: Give 2 Doses to Strengthen Protection
- Support The Strengthening the Vaccines for Children Program (VFC) Act of 2021
- FDA Approves Merck’s Vaxneuvance Vaccine
- MenACWY Resources for Back-to-School!
- Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
- 2021-2022 Influenza Season Billing & Coding Guide
- COVID-19 Resources
- New CME Course Available!
- Update – Ohio AAP 2021 Annual Meeting Is Moving to an All Virtual Format
- Merck Vaccine Price Changes
- Co-Administration of COVID and other Routine Vaccines
- Great News! COVID-19 Vaccines are now available for kids 5 to 11
- Vaccine Storage Equipment Maintenance
- Updates to Vaccine List Prices
- New Vaccines added to the CPP Vaccine Group Purchase Program
- CDC: You Call the Shots (YCTS) Module Updates
- Member Discounts at Anytime Pediatrics and Medi+Products
- 2022-2023 Flu Vaccine Pre-Booking
- Enhanced Discounts on Pfizer Vaccines
- Best Practices for transporting vaccines during emergencies
- Updated Medicare Physician Fee schedule
- New and updated Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) from the CDC
- Anytime Pediatrics March Webinars
- COVID-19 Vaccine Updates
- International HPV Awareness Day
- UPCOMING PFIZER WEBINAR: Help Address the Unmet Burden of Pneumococcal Disease in Adults
- Pre-booking Vaccines for the 2022-2023 Flu Season
- New Vaccine Management Resource!
- Improving the quality of immunization delivery through vaccine needs assessments
- Mid-Year Vaccine Rebates Have Been Mailed!
- MenACWY Updates: Give 2 Doses to Strengthen Adolescents Immunizations
- CPP Resource: Annual Vaccine Management Check-Up!
- UPCOMING PFIZER PREMIERE BROADCAST – Help Protect Adolescents and Young Adults During Peak Risk Years: Vaccination can help prevent outbreaks of MenB
- CDC panel recommends high dose flu vaccines for seniors 65 and older
- ACIP June Recommendations
- Patient Recalls
- It’s National Immunization Awareness Month!
- Getting Caught Up on Back-to-School Vaccines
- Sanofi Webinar Series: The Importance of Helping to Protect Your Older Adult Patients from Influenza
- Keys to Improving HPV Vaccination Coverage-Seminar Series
- AAP Flu Vaccine Recommendation for 2022-2023
- ACIP October Meeting
- Immunizing Early- HPV Vaccine Recommended at Age 9-12
- National Influenza Vaccination Week
- Be Prepared: Vaccine Supply During Emergencies
- 2023-2024 Pre-Book: Reserve Your Flu Vaccine Now!
- Pfizer New Pricing Updates
- CDC 2023 Updated Immunization Schedules
- International HPV Awareness Day- New Resources Available!
- Last Day to Prebook Fluzone® and Flublok is March 31, 2023
- It’s National Infant Immunization Week!
- Summer Preparation: Planning For Well Visits
- Get Started! CPP Annual Vaccine Management Check-Up
- 2022-2023 Flu Vaccine Returns
- Patient Recall Tips
- Vaccine Uncertainty: Rebuilding Trust
- Live Webinar: Working Toward Hepatitis B Elimination
- Understanding Pediatric Shortage Issues
- Let’s Get Back on Track! National Immunization Awareness Month
- Encouraging Multi-Dose Vaccines
- CPP Member Updates: RSV Infants & Adults
- Benefits of Joining a Physician Buying Group
- CPP Vaccine Updates
- Semi-Annual Vaccine Rebates on the Way!
- AAP NCE OCTOBER 20-24, 2023 in Washington, DC!
- Preparing For Flu Season
- New RSV Protection of infants for the 2023-2024 RSV season
- National Influenza Vaccination Week Dec 4-8
- The CDC Publishes the 2024 Immunization Schedules
- The Rise of the Tripledemic: Flu, COVID and RSV
- Vaccine Emergency Preparedness: Practice Tips
- Pre-Book Your 2024-2025 Flu Vaccines!
- CPP Vaccine Updates- Pfizer
- GoCheck Kids Member Update
- Measles Outbreak On The Rise
- Vaccine Management Tip-Update Fee Schedule
- International HPV Awareness Day
- Stay Safe on Spring Break- Get Vaccinated
- April 22-29: National Infant Immunization Week
- Preparing for Summer: The Importance of Well Visits
- Vaccine Management Tip: Payment Negotiations
- Valuable Vaccine Management Resources & Grants
- Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy
- Annual Vaccine Management Check-Up
- Leveraging Summer for Pediatric Patient Recalls
- Maximizing Your Vaccine Management Program
- Catch-up on Back-to-School Vaccinations
- National Immunization Awareness Month: Spread The Word
- Phreesia Webinar: Preparing for respiratory virus season
- CPP Member Discount: Lucira®
- Phreesia for CPP Members: Navigating Respiratory Season
- CPP will be Exhibiting at the AAFP FMX 2024 in Phoenix, AZ!
- Come see us at the AAP NCE in Orlando Florida!
- CPP Semi-Annual Rebates are on the Way!
- CPP at Ohio AAP Annual Meeting
- CDC Provider Toolkit for Respiratory Virus Season
- Join CPP Buying Group: Your Vaccine Management Partner
- ACIP Recommends Pneumococcal Vaccine for Adults Aged 50+
- Navigating Flu, RSV, and COVID During Holiday Gatherings
- National Influenza Vaccination Week Dec 2-6
- 2025 CDC Immunization Schedules
- Upcoming Changes to Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)
- Practice Tip: Vaccine Emergency Preparedness Plan
- CDC Update: Expanded Recommendations for PCV Among Adults Aged 50+
- Tackling Vaccine Administration Errors
- Pre-Book Your 2025-2026 Flu Vaccines!
- Vaccine Management Tip: RSV Immunizations
- Flu Cases Surge Across the Country
- Rising Measles Cases: What Pediatric and Primary Care Providers Need to Know
- Strengthening Immunization Programs
- Exciting News: CPP Buying Group Partners with Global Sensors
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- Vaccine Storage Grant
- Vaccine Vitals
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- Protected: Vaccine Management Check Up
- Protected: Vaccine Management Check Up
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- Vaccine refrigerators and freezers
- vaccine storage
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- WorldHepatitisDay