Membership is free – there are no dues to participate in the vaccine buying group. The quoted CPP vaccine group purchase price is the price the practice pays. You order directly from the vaccine manufacturer and are invoiced directly by the manufacturer.
- Vaccine Discounts – CPP offers the best discounts on vaccines in the nation.
- Prompt Pay Discounts – CPP is able to offer additional vaccine discounts for practices that pay vaccine manufacturers within given time frames.
- Ordering Discounts – CPP is able to offer additional vaccine discounts when practices purchase online through certain vaccine manufacturers.
- Promotional Discounts – In most cases these promotional discounts are in addition to the discounts CPP routinely offers.
- Rebates – CPP offers rebates to practices based on all CPP members achieving specific market share requirements.
Contact us! (Call 877-277-9330, request a registration packet or by email and we will send you all of the pertinent information. If a practice already has “direct” accounts with the manufacturers, it can take less than 48 hours for a practice to begin receiving CPP vaccine discounts. Establishing a “direct” account can add 5-10 days.
CPP is one of the original physician vaccine group purchase organizations and is well respected by the vaccine manufacturers. CPP also has a very large membership leading to the ability to negotiate excellent terms and great discounts.
Yes! CPP does offer rebates through the vaccine buying group. These rebates are contingent upon CPP and the membership meeting vaccine manufacturer specific purchase and market share requirements.
While CPP has contracted with all major vaccine manufacturers over time, right now CPP holds national contracts with Sanofi, Merck, Pfizer, Dynavax and AstraZeneca.
Once CPP receives your completed paperwork, we immediately contact the vaccine manufacturers and link the practice to the CPP discounts. Your practice can then order directly from the manufacturer via internet or by phone. Start now by requesting more information.
Yes! Not only will each of your individual sites receive the benefits of the CPP program but there are network-specific benefits that CPP can provide to your group as a whole.
Yes! CPP can help you determine if this is the right program for your practice or network. Simply contact the CPP office at or 1-877-277-9330 to get started.
Yes! CPP can not only provide all of your vaccine purchase data but also earn an educational grant for focusing in on your 2nd dose immunization rates! CPP’s 2nd Dose Program provides resources and an educational grant opportunity to help analyze your group’s immunization rates and implement a solution in your practice to help improve them.
We need to purchase new vaccine storage equipment for our office. Does CPP offer any help with this?
Yes! CPP has a variety of vaccine storage resources ranging from a list of units recommended by other CPP members to an emergency response worksheet. Members can also access the Vaccine Storage Equipment Program that offers member practices an educational grant to help offset the cost of investing in proper vaccine storage equipment.