Today kicks off National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW). NIIW runs April 24-April 30, as part of World Immunization Week. Every year, NIIW Week is observed to protect small children from vaccine-preventable diseases. It is essential to make sure that the families stay on track with their children’s vaccination. An overview of NIIW can be found here.
All healthcare practices play important roles during NIIW. The CDC provides a variety of resources for healthcare professionals to use during this week.
To highlight childhood immunizations this NIIW:
Post a National Infant Immunization Week banner on your practice website.
You can observe this day by posting banners about Infant Immunization Week on websites to create awareness.
Promote positive messages about infant immunization on social media.
Use #ivax2protect on your social media posts to share why you support infant immunizations.
Talk with parents about the importance of infant vaccinations.
The CDC has designed a resource to guide healthcare professionals with conversational techniques and resources for discussing vaccines with parents.
We hope that your practice will take some time this week to reflect on the importance of infant immunizations and remind families the impact these vaccines have had in reducing vaccine preventable diseases.
Happy National Infant Immunization Week!