Why does an EHR “fail” in one practice but succeed at another? What do those successful practices know that the…
Due to the increased number of measles cases in the United States so far in 2015, pediatric providers are fielding…
The California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch has developed a Pneumococcal Vaccine Timing clinical reference tool. The chart summarizes the…
Patient recall may present just that kind of opportunity. We’ve heard from member practices that patient recall can be performed…
Last Fall, the AAP launched a new Pediatric Care Online website that now includes Patient Education online and the RedBook…
In 2014, CPP assembled a list of tips and best practices from CPP members and top vaccinators across the country…
Earn an educational grant from CPP to help offset the cost of investing in proper vaccine storage equipment. Educate yourself…
Many CPP members have utilized the “Vaccine Safety and your Child” booklet authored by Dr. Paul Offit and Charlotte Moser…
Pediatric Care Online, the AAP’s online clinical resource, has received a facelift and the new site was launched in October. …
In the last few weeks, we have seen price increase announcements on most of the routine vaccines you are providing…