April 22-29: National Infant Immunization Week


Today kicks off National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW). NIIW which runs April 24-April 29 as time to reflect on the importance of safeguarding the health and well-being of our youngest community. This annual observance serves as a reminder of the critical role vaccinations play in protecting infants from potentially life-threatening diseases.

Why Immunize Infants?

During the first few months of life, infants are particularly vulnerable to infections due to their developing immune systems. Vaccines provide a safe and effective way to bolster their immunity and shield them from a range of diseases.

The CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend that children stay on track with their well-child appointments and routine vaccinations. On-time vaccination is essential to ensure infants are protected when they are most vulnerable. Following the recommended immunization schedule helps establish immunity before infants are exposed to potentially harmful diseases. By adhering to this schedule, parents can provide their infants with the best possible protection against diseases like measles and influenza.


To highlight childhood immunizations this NIIW:

  1. Promote National Infant Immunization Week using graphics key messaging. You can observe this week by posting graphics and NIIW key messages to highlight the importance of protecting infants and young children from vaccine-preventable diseases.
  2. Promote positive messages about infant immunization on social media. Use #ivax2protect on your social media posts to share why you support infant immunizations.
  3. Talk with parents about the importance of infant vaccinations. Concerns about vaccine safety, misinformation, and personal beliefs can lead some parents to delay or refuse vaccination for their children. It’s crucial to address these concerns with accurate information and open communication, emphasizing the benefits of vaccination for individual and community health. The CDC has tips for talking with parents for all healthcare practices including non-clinical staff regarding infant immunization.

Schedule a call or virtual meeting with CPP if you’re a healthcare provider who wants to strengthen your immunization program and make vaccine procurement, inventory management and reimbursement easier and more financially sustainable. Or you can complete our membership information request form to learn more about our member benefits!










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